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We encourage you to read the information below to ensure your cabinetry remains beautiful for many years to come.


Our products carry a 12 month craftsmanship guarantee against our workmanship assuming the guidance given on this webpage has been adhered to.


Please note we do not cover accidental damage or general wear and tear. 


If your vanity unit develops a fault, please contact us at your earliest convenience at:



 Your painted furniture can be cleaned with a lint-free cloth or duster. We recommend using a mild soap mixed with warm water (use solutions which claim to be kind to hands).


We do not recommend any cleaning products which are not PH balanced. After cleaning, your furniture should be dried using a clean cloth or towel. 


Should your furniture suffer a scratch or stain, you could use 320 grit sandpaper to rub it back gently and reapply two coats of the paint finish in the touch up tin provided. 


If you wish to repaint or change the colour of your furniture in years to come, this is possible, just follow the same process. Lightly sand back the surface with 320 grit sandpaper and apply two hand painted top coats, leaving ample time to cure in between the coats of paint. 



Oak is a natural material and will move over time dependant on the temperature and humidity of its surroundings. This is absolutely fine and should not create any concern. 


Hairline splits may occur in the surface, this should not be seen as a fault and instead, should be treated as one of oak's beautiful characteristics. 


We apply a protective coat of oil to our oak before it leaves us. Our oak will withstand splashes but any spillages must be wiped dry to prevent long term damage. 


If you purchase oak furniture from us, you will receive a  touch up tin of protective oil. To remove any water marks, the oak can be sanded with 180 grit sandpaper gently and the oil rubbed into the oak and wiped dry. 


When lifting your units, please ensure they are correctly supported, never pull or drag them across floors as this will cause the joints (and plinths) to weaken and even split.


Avoid placing your furniture in strong UV rays (i.e. a very sunny spot in a room) if possible as it may affect the colour over a prolonged period, causing it to fade or 'yellow'.   


Do not leave anything damp, dirty or hot on your furniture or exposing to water as this could cause staining, or grain raise and therefore damage the finish. 


It is possible to adjust the functional drawer fronts, up, down, left, right, back and forth should they become misaligned for whatever reason, a helpful video tutorial can be found here.

We use 'Dynopro' runners by Grass.


 If you have any questions that haven't been covered here, please do drop us an email at and we will answer your query.



Quartz and marble are fragile and porous and should be treated with care to avoid scratches, fractures or chips. Any spillages should be dried and wiped away as soon as possible to avoid staining. 


We advise sealing our marble counter tops with 'Lithofin Stain Stop' on arrival and reapplying this annually to protect the stone.


We regret we cannot be held responsible for any damaged stone counter tops once they have arrived safely in your care.


Marble should be cleaned with a damp cloth. Should any stains occur it is worth trying leaving a damp cloth on the stain overnight to see if it lifts. 


Stains can be cleaned off quartz quite well with a mild soapy water, failing that, 'The Pink Stuff' will remove most stubborn marks (please note this should not be used on marble!). 

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